Interprovincial Travel Demand from the 2011 Origin-Destination Survey
Post date: Feb 12, 2013 5:08:25 PM
In December of 2012 a report of the results of the 2011 National Capital Region origin-destination survey was released. Page 62 of the report provides a summary of changes in inter-provincial travel demand since the last survey taken in 2005. The results show a drop in the demand levels. We do not know if the Ph2B study transportation analysis which was released in draft form in spring 2012 will be updated based on these 2011 origin-destination survey numbers.
The following chart from the survey results indicate that over the period 2005 to 2011 the peak inter-provincial traffic demand decreased. During this period the travel demand in the peak 2.5hr period in the morning dropped from 43,200 to 38,600 which is a 10.6% drop during a time period when the NCR population grew by 7.2% and the employed population grew by 8.2%
This report can be found on the TRANS 2011 origin-destination survey web page.