Transportation Committee Inquiries re. Truck Analysis
Post date: May 4, 2012 6:09:49 PM
At the May 2, 2012 City of Ottawa Transportation Committee meeting several questions were tabled concerning the ongoing truck analysis that is being performed as part of the inter-provincial crossings study. Many of us continue to be concerned that the issue of just how inter-provincial trucks are going to be routed should a new east end bridge be built is not being sufficiently examined.
Click here to see the wording of the truck study inquiry and to see the City staff response.
This resulted in the following motion being passed in the meeting:
WHEREAS City Council in July 2010 requested that the Interprovincial Crossing Study proponents undertake a comprehensive study of the diversion of all trucks from the KERWN corridor and that this study:
i) Includes an economic analysis of such a diversion on truck traffic;
ii) Includes consultation with the affected business interests;
iii) Includes analysis of safety considerations of continuing to mix heavy (articulated intercity transports) trucks in the Central Area given the availability of a proposed alternative;
iv) Determines how the corridors under study would provide a viable alternative for intercity heavy trucks so that all such trucks could be diverted from the KERWN corridor;
v) Becomes a direct input into Phase 2B analysis;
vi) Is completed prior to the selection of a recommended corridor; and
vii) Completion of the truck origin-destination study for inclusion in Phase 2B.
AND WHEREAS, the response to date states The National Capital Commission and its consultant team are very committed to addressing the truck traffic issues,
AND WHEREAS, the consultant, Roche-Genivar, has indicated that they would undertake analysis of the impact of diversion of truck traffic as a qualitative measure rather than an economic analysis..."
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Transportation Committee recommend to Council that it reiterate its position that the proponents of the Interprovincial Crossing Study comply with Council’s July 2010 directive.